Tag Archives: Feminist Methods

Nelson, I.L. 2013. The Allure of Privileging Danger over Everyday Practice in Field Research.

Nelson, Ingrid L. 2013. “The Allure and Privileging of Danger over Everyday Practice in Field Research.” Area 45(4): 419-425. By privileging “danger” or sensationalized phenomena in our research, we encounter the possibility of missing out on other underpinning phenomena/relationships/dynamics that may be critical to understanding an issue as a whole.   “focusing on dangerous issues […]

Olszanowski, M. 2012. What to Ask Women Composers: Feminist Fieldwork in Electronic Dance Music.

Olszanowski, Magdalena. 2012. “What to Ask Women Composers: Feminist Fieldwork in Electronic Dance Music. DanceCult 4(2): 3-26. Reflects upon research methods (theoretical, methodological) behind microfemininewarfare, a documentary/database of female EDM artists. Use of research-creation and friendship-as-method (see Tillmann-Healy 2003) as effective feminist research methods for EDM fieldwork. Essl (2003); Friz (2004); Farrugia (2010); Kirn (2011) […]