Tag Archives: identity

Whitely, S. 1997. “Introduction” to Sexing the Groove.

Whitely, Sheila. 1997. “Introduction.” Pp. xiii – xxxvi in Sexing the Groove: Popular Music and Gender, edited by Sheila Whitely. New York: Routledge. Analysis of popular music blending various disciplines, methodologies, foci; emergent (in 1997) literature – but increasingly popular/populated discipline, requiring further study during the (then-) rise of the Internet.  Often, those who write […]

Duncan, N. 2003. “‘Race’ Talk: Discourses on ‘Race’ and Racial Difference.”

Duncan, Norman. 2003. “’Race’ Talk: Discourses on ‘Race’ and Racial Difference.” International Journal of Intercultural Relations 27: 135-156. Marked elevation of discourse accepting notions of race and racial difference within Black South Africans. How those experiencing racism understand experience, negotiated representation issues, problems that impact collective/collective identity (?) In recent times, growing imperative to recognize: […]

Sullivan, T. 2012. — The Role of Performance and Performativity in the Construction of Ethnicity.

Sullivan, Thomas. 2012. “’All I Want to Be All I Can Irish’: The Role of Performance and Performativity in the Construction of Ethnicity.” Social & Cultural Geography 13(5): 429 – 443. Ethnicity’s evolution from “a group-oriented protectorate to a more individualized form of identity” (429). Why, despite assimilation, connection to and construction of ethnic identities […]

Mueller, J.C., D. Dirks, and L.H. Picca. 2007. “Unmasking Racism: Halloween Costuming and the Engagement of the Racial Other.”

Mueller, Jennifer C., Danielle Dirks, and Leslie Houts Picca. 2007. “Unmasking Racism: Halloween Costuming and Engagement of the Racial Other.” Qualitative Sociology 30: 315-335.   Examines construction of identity through ritual costuming through participant observation journals – During Halloween, many individuals actively engage the racial other in costuming across racial/ethnic lines. Although some recognize the […]

Freitas, Anthony, Susan Kaiser, Joan Chandler, Carol Hall, Jung-Won Kim, and Tania Hammidi. 1997. “Appearance Management as Border Construction: Least Favorite Clothing, Group Distancing, and Identity… Not!”. Sociological Inquiry 67(3): 323-335. Even though appearance and identity have been usually discussed as negotiators of who we are, this paper looks at how appearance can construct who […]

Moloney, M. and G. Hunt. 2012. “Consumption, Drugs and Style: Constructing Intra-Ethnic Boundaries in Asian American Youth Cultures”.

Moloney, Molly and Geoffrey P. Hunt. 2012. “Consumption, Drugs and Style: Constructing Intra-Ethnic Boundaries in Asian American Youth Cultures.” Drugs 19(6) December: 462-473. How consumption, style, and taste cultures intersect with ethnic identities, gender, and “acculturation” — how consumption markers (fashion, cars, music, drugs) create/negotiate symbolic boundaries within Asian American dance/club scenes. Demonstrates lack of […]

Lawrence, T. 2016. “Life and Death on the Pulse Dance Floor: Transglocal Politics and the Erasure of Latinx in the in the History of Queer Dance.”

Lawrence, Tim. 2016. “Life and Death on the Pulse Dance Floor: Transglocal Politics and the Erasure of the Latinx in the History of Queer Dance”. DanceCult: Journal of Electronic Dance Music Culture 8(1): 1-25. “although distinctive, the discursive erasure of the specifically queer Latinx finds a partial echo in the way that Latin culture has […]

Nelson, I.L. 2013. The Allure of Privileging Danger over Everyday Practice in Field Research.

Nelson, Ingrid L. 2013. “The Allure and Privileging of Danger over Everyday Practice in Field Research.” Area 45(4): 419-425. By privileging “danger” or sensationalized phenomena in our research, we encounter the possibility of missing out on other underpinning phenomena/relationships/dynamics that may be critical to understanding an issue as a whole.   “focusing on dangerous issues […]

Snow, D.A. and L. Anderson. 1987. “Identity Work Among the Homeless: The Verbal Construction and Avowal of Personal Identities.”

Snow, David A. and Leon Anderson. 1987. “Identity Work Among the Homeless: The Verbal Construction and Avowal of Personal Identities.” The American Journal of Sociology 92(6): 1336-1371. How do people at the “bottom” of status systems create identities that imbue dignity/self-worth? (Impacts areas of role, identity, self-concept.) Backstory: Too often we focus on how low-status […]

Granberg, E. 2006. “Possible Selves, Self-Change, and Weight Loss.”

Granberg, Ellen. 2006. “’Is That All There Is?’ Possible Selves, Self-Change, and Weight Loss.” Social Psychology Quarterly 69(2): 109-126. Possible selves: “resources that facilitate identity development and that motivate and sustain self-change” (109). Gap between potential and actual selves must be negotiated before transformation (here, weight loss) is considered complete and/or successful. Gap is bridged […]