Tag Archives: Qualitative

Mueller, J.C., D. Dirks, and L.H. Picca. 2007. “Unmasking Racism: Halloween Costuming and the Engagement of the Racial Other.”

Mueller, Jennifer C., Danielle Dirks, and Leslie Houts Picca. 2007. “Unmasking Racism: Halloween Costuming and Engagement of the Racial Other.” Qualitative Sociology 30: 315-335.   Examines construction of identity through ritual costuming through participant observation journals – During Halloween, many individuals actively engage the racial other in costuming across racial/ethnic lines. Although some recognize the […]

Moloney, M. and G. Hunt. 2012. “Consumption, Drugs and Style: Constructing Intra-Ethnic Boundaries in Asian American Youth Cultures”.

Moloney, Molly and Geoffrey P. Hunt. 2012. “Consumption, Drugs and Style: Constructing Intra-Ethnic Boundaries in Asian American Youth Cultures.” Drugs 19(6) December: 462-473. How consumption, style, and taste cultures intersect with ethnic identities, gender, and “acculturation” — how consumption markers (fashion, cars, music, drugs) create/negotiate symbolic boundaries within Asian American dance/club scenes. Demonstrates lack of […]

Green, G., R. Barbour, M. Banard, and J. Kitzinger. 1993. — Sexual Harassment in Research Settings.

Green, Gill, Rosaline S. Barbour, Marina Banard, and Jenny Kitzinger. 1993. “’Who Wears the Trousers?’ Sexual Harassment in Research Settings.” Women’s Studies International Forum 16(6): 627-637.   Especially in field research regarding sexuality or sexual behavior (here, HIV-related risk behaviors), respondents may view such inquiry as “provocative” or “inviting,” leading to overt and covert sexual […]

Nelson, I.L. 2013. The Allure of Privileging Danger over Everyday Practice in Field Research.

Nelson, Ingrid L. 2013. “The Allure and Privileging of Danger over Everyday Practice in Field Research.” Area 45(4): 419-425. By privileging “danger” or sensationalized phenomena in our research, we encounter the possibility of missing out on other underpinning phenomena/relationships/dynamics that may be critical to understanding an issue as a whole.   “focusing on dangerous issues […]

Brunsma, D.L., N.G. Chapman, J.S. Lellock. 2016. “Racial Ideology in Electronic Dance Music Promotional Videos.”

Brunsma, David L., Nathaniel G. Chapman, and J. Slade Lellock. 2016. “Racial Ideology in Electronic Dance Music Promotional Videos.” Pp. 148-161 in Race and Contention in Twenty-First Century U.S. Media, edited by Jason Smith and Bhoomi K. Thakore.  New York: Routledge. EDM has had an astounding increase in worldwide popularity, from its origins in discos […]

Kavanaugh, P.R. and T.L. Anderson. 2008. “Solidarity and Drug Use in the Electronic Dance Music Scene.”

Kavanaugh, Philip R. and Tammy L. Anderson. 2008. “Solidarity and Drug Use in the Electronic Dance Music Scene.” The Sociological Quarterly 49(1): 181-208. While rave participants frequently engage in drug use, it is not the only source of solidarity.  Within public health and medical literature, rave culture is “a site of extensive drug consumption and […]

Meltzer, Petras, and Reynolds. 1975. “Varieties of Symbolic Interactionism.”

Meltzer, Bernard N., John W. Petras, and Larry T. Reynolds. 1975. “Varieties of Symbolic Interactionism.” Pp. in Symbolic Interactionism: Genesis, Varieties, and Criticism (eds same).  Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Multiple schools of SI thought – debate on how to distinguish schools (between 2-10), mostly based on methodology – Chicago and Iowa schools, versus three […]

Morris, E. 2012. “Repelling the ‘Rutter’: Social Differentiation among Rural Teenagers.”

Morris, Edward W. 2012. “Repelling the ‘Rutter’: Social Differentiation among Rural Teenagers.” Symbolic Interaction 35(3): 301-320. Low-income, white, rural teens’ management of race and class inequality, creating boundaries to assert uniqueness, but to also avoid being categorized as pejorative “rutter.” Race and class as interactional practice, stigma reduction, credibility earning through differentiation processes How concepts […]

Olszanowski, M. 2012. What to Ask Women Composers: Feminist Fieldwork in Electronic Dance Music.

Olszanowski, Magdalena. 2012. “What to Ask Women Composers: Feminist Fieldwork in Electronic Dance Music. DanceCult 4(2): 3-26. Reflects upon research methods (theoretical, methodological) behind microfemininewarfare, a documentary/database of female EDM artists. Use of research-creation and friendship-as-method (see Tillmann-Healy 2003) as effective feminist research methods for EDM fieldwork. Essl (2003); Friz (2004); Farrugia (2010); Kirn (2011) […]

Kimmel, M. 2008. Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men.

Kimmel, Michael. 2008. Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men. New York: Harper Collins. Welcome to Guyland –          Hints at college age being a critical time that boys/men look forward to/look back on/try to stay involved with despite “aging out” – positing men not in the positions for future leaders of the public sphere (moving […]